Montag, 6. August 2012

Only eight weeks left ...

Hey guys, 
one week ago I started to write my blog entry in english, but then so much happened and I couldn't find the time to finish it until now.
So there is a lot to tell and I am going to try it in english :D!
Let's start with the week before last, because I have already written these parts of my blog entry (monday the 23th of July).

The weather was not really good during the week, so we couldn't go to the park on monday, tuesday or wednesday. On monday we unfortunaltely missed the program at school, which is only once a week at the moment. But I forgot that the police were coming on monday and so we spent the day at home, doing some drawing and playing inside and also outside.
On tuesday morning Archie, Olive and I went to the library in Rouse Hill by bus. We borrowed some books and a movie. It was also story time at the library, so the kids could hear some storys and play some games, which was fun for both of them. Preferably Olive would have taken every book, because she was running through the library getting everything out of the shelves :D! She is such a perky little girl :). After that we had a quick play at the playground before we got on the bus to go back home.

So far as I recall, nothing special happened on wednesday and thursday. I just went to Rouse Hill on thursday and got some things I needed. The rest of the day and also on friday I just spent a lot time writing letters for my lovelies in germany...;)
We also went to the hairdresser on friday morning, because Archie needed a hair cut :). It is a little bit shorter and he looks sooo cute ♥.
In the afternoon I was sitting by the pool when Archie came outside with a parcel from germany in his hand :)! Jeeey - I got a parcel for my birthday from my dad, my mum, Dominique, Cassandra and Julien :)
Thank you a lot for all the lovely presents ♥

In the parcel was a beautiful bracelet from Dominique and Cassandra, two cardigans from my parents and my little brother, birthday cards and lots of chocolate :D! I actually put all the chocolate in the kitchen cupboard downstairs because I know that I would eat all of it very quickely if it was in my room ;), and I've already put on weight so that wouldn't be good :D! 
The food is just too good in Australia and I think especially in my family ;)!
On Saturday I went to Chatswood, where I met Anni and Kathi and we had a look around at the huge "Westfield" shopping centre.
When I came home in the afternoon, Denby, Archies best friend was there for a sleep over. 
Saturday night Olive got very sick and also the whole of sunday she had temperatures and she felt obviously quite bad :(... poor Olive! So, Casey took her to the doctors in the morning and as she wasn't better (she didn't want to drink or eat...). After dinner (I learnt how to cook Salmon :)), Casey and Shane decided to take her to a special children's hospital. I stayed home with Archie and after I put him to bed I skyped with my parents and also with Nanja, Nicole and Sina♥.
I was very worried about Olive so I stayed up as long as I could, but around 1 I fell asleep and just heared Shane coming home around 5am. 
The next morning I came to know that Olive had to stay in hospital because she probably had a virus, her bloodsugar was quite low and she was dehydrated. She was in emergency from sunday night to monday evening, when Archie and I were visiting her. It was so hard to see her like that... She couldn't tell what was hurting and she didn't know what was going on in the hospital or what all the people were doing with her... In this moment, there was no chance to make her smile - and it is so hard to see a child like that!

Normally she is perky, happy and always very funny, but on monday you could tell that she felt so bad. I felt so sorry for her because she had bandages on her hand, where they took a blood sample and she was attached to this thing because she had to have an intravenous drip. After a day in emergency (there are lots of people, it is like a "Notaufnahme" in german ;) ), Casey and Olive finally got their own room, which was actually an isolation room. 
Every day from monday to thursday we were hoping that she could come home and that she starts drinking on her own, so she doesn't dehydrate again! On wednesday Archie and I went to the hospital by bus to visit Olive and Casey and fortunately she was happier than on monday (when we visited her the first time). That day was also the first day that she was allowed to leave her room and go outside. So Casey, Archie, Olive an I went outside to a playground and to the library at the hospital. It was so good to see her happier, laughing and playing with Archie :), but she still didn't drink, so we couldn't take her home.

On wednesday afternoon Shane started to feel sick as well and after I came from the park with Archie he also was complaining about a sore tummy.
Archie at the park ♥
At this stage I was fine, but in the night I started to feel sick too. So we were all feeling pretty bad for most of thursday...
However, the good thing was, Olive finally came home in the afternoon after 5 days in the children's hospital :)! 
On Friday, I still didn't feel good, so I only went outside for a walk with Olive to get out of the house a little bit.  

The next day I went to the city in the morning to go to Madame Tussauds with Anni and Audrey (a french au pair, who lives next to Anni). That was great and we had lots of fun. The wax figures look so incredibly real, they are amazing. 

I just show you some pictures ;)...!

The Dalei Lama

Michael Jackson
Kylie Minogue

Albert Einstein

After that I took a bus to Bondi Beach, where I met Kathi and we were just relaxing, chatting and of course, watching the surfers :D!
Around 4 we went back to the city, because we wanted to go to this "nanny night" at the Hard Rock Cafe. We arrived there a little bit early, so we had a look around at a shopping centre and found an outlet, where they had sale clothes for 50% off. Kathi has got a few clothes (she was in a shopping fever, it was hilarious :D ), but I've just got a pair of tracksuit pants. 

Bondi Beach!


When we went to the meeting point for the "nanny night", there already were like 30 other Au Pairs and the most of them were German :D - as always!
Anyway, after a few discussions, we decided to go to another bar because there was not enough room for all of us in the Hard Rock Cafe. 
Some girls wanted to eat something and so Kathi and I decided to go to a restaurant with 3 lovely german girls :)- Lea, Caro and Annika. 
I actually couldn't eat anything, because I felt sick again... it was such a busy day and probably to much for me after being ill for two days.
So I decided to take the bus home, after they had dinner. They wanted to go to the Hard Rocks Cafe for a few drinks and I would have loved to go with them, but I unfortunately couldn't. 
Annika, Caro, Lea, Kathi and I ♥

So, today is sunday and I haven't done much but went to Rouse Hill with Casey to laybuy some beautiful summer clothes for the kids and write my blog entry..

Only eight weeks left till I have to leave Australia and my "second family"- It feels like the countdown has started, especially because they have found their new Au Pair. I skyped with her on friday and she is a really lovely girl and I have to say, I like her. On one side I'm happy that they have found a nice girl and I know she will love the kids and they will be in good hands, but on the other side I'm worried about that I will be forgotten.

It is a strange feeling and and as much as I don't want to think about that - you feel replaceable (although I know, my family never wants me to feel that way). I always knew, that they will get a new Au Pair and of course they need it, but now I actually have to think about it and that there will be another person, who will play with Archie and Olive every day, go to the park or the library and get lots of hugs and kisses... I guess I'm just very emotional about all that and to think about it drives me crazy :D! 

It is actually quite hard to write or talk about all these feeling, because I am such an emotional person and I burst into tears when think about leaving them without knowing if I will see them ever again. 
But the time is not over yet and I still have 2 months of wonderful moments and a holiday in Queensland. So I shouldn't get to sad now and enjoy my time ♥!
I just want to grab the chance (because Casey and Shane can read it) to say that I really enjoy my time in Australia and that I love all of you so much. Thank you so much for all what you do for me and for being a part of your family. 

 Soooo that might be enough about my last two weeks. I just want to say you that I also look forward to see you (my friends and family in Germany) in two month and that I'm really excited to spend time with you after being eight month in Australia :)! 

Lots of love,
Chantal xxxx

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